Company description
"At Storz Power, our mission is simple— to provide powerful, sustainable energy solutions that are healthy for both people and the environment. Our team of knowledgeable professionals is eager to bring the flexibility and convenience of solar energy storage to each and every home. Storz Power provides convenient, environmentally-friendly energy solutions that allow for greater access and control over your home’s essential appliances. Our systems include solar panels, batteries, and inverters that are designed to capture natural energy and store what isn’t used for future use. Storz allows you to access your own power grid, turning appliances off and on with ease, monitoring usage, and setting up automated or manual controls all from an app on your smartphone. In the event of power loss, you will have a large store of energy to power your home, bridging each and every output gap. Our batteries’ energy capacities range from 10.24 to 501.76 KWh meaning you will have anywhere from 11 hours to around 25 days of full-home energy storage. "
"At Storz Power, our mission is simple— to provide powerful, sustainable energy solutions that are healthy for both people and the environment. Our team of knowledgeable professionals is eager to bring the flexibility and convenience of solar energy storage to each and every home. Storz Power provides convenient, environmentally-friendly energy solutions that allow for greater access and control over your home’s essential appliances. Our systems include solar panels, batteries, and inverters that are designed to capture natural energy and store what isn’t used for future use. Storz allows you to access your own power grid, turning appliances off and on with ease, monitoring usage, and setting up automated or manual controls all from an app on your smartphone. In the event of power loss, you will have a large store of energy to power your home, bridging each and every output gap. Our batteries’ energy capacities range from 10.24 to 501.76 KWh meaning you will have anywhere from 11 hours to around 25 days of full-home energy storage. "