The Managing Director of one of Sydney's largest printing companies, Rodney Frost was an early adaptor for solar energy and could see the immediate benefits installing solar would make to the company's bottom line. The Lamson Group is heavily focused on sustainability and is always looking for ways to reduce its impact on the environment.
Rodney was keen to install solar to the entire property roof although the older factory required a new roof to do so. This gave Rodney the opportunity to install 100kW as a first step into solar. The available roof suffered from morning shading and Tigo was the only option available for their first stage of solar.
After discussing the additional generation, the detailed panel level monitoring and the safety aspects associated with Tigo and its Rapid Shutdown capabilities, Rodney was installing DC Managed Tigo even if the roof had no shading. “Why would I want that old technology on my roof”, was Rodney’s comment about traditional legacy solar.
They began with an initial installation of 100kW, followed by an additional 204 kW.
Since the first installation, The Lamson Group has installed a further 204 kW of solar over the entire new factory roof. A 65-inch flat screen in the reception proudly displays The Lamson Group’s solar energy generation and images of their large solar installation
Tigo Energy Intelligence enables SCE Energy Solutions to view site performance down to each individual module. In addition, SCE and customers view the incremental energy production enabled by Tigo optimizers, shown in the stacked green bars.
Equipment summary
• Customer type: printing company
• System capacity: 305 kW
• Tigo Equipment: Tigo TS4-A-O, Cloud Connect Advanced (CCA), Tigo Access Point (TAP)
• PV Modules: Trina 294 x 340 W and 455 x 450 W
• Inverters: Fronius Eco 6 x 27 kW and 4 x 25 kW
About SCE Energy Solutions
SCE Energy Solutions is an award-winning sustainability business who prides itself on providing only the highest quality product and latest technologies available for all our commercial, rural and residential customers in Australia.
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